who is vcat?

hello, my name is rox

at a glance

im 20, an intp 9w8 nonbinary uni student, i go by any pronouns. literally any. i do a lot of work on a variety of things, though there are some things i do more than others. some of the noteable things:

the specifics

i used to relentlessly grind games, though it's been a bit slower lately. realistically i keep up with fps games, rocket league, and destiny, with other games on the side. i've been doing photography since i was in early high school and have an eye for composition, portraits, and trying to capture each moment i can.

while i have seen success in a lot of categories and things and that it causes people and friends of mine to be jealous or envious, a lot of what i have done has come at the cost of my sanity and time. though this does not mean i am not acutely aware of the position i am, and how it very much enables me to do what i do. it still does not void the fact that i fight very hard for the things i do and can do. i always want to do better. be better. because that's who i am. i attend school at oregon state university, computer science with an applied pursuit in simulation and game programming. currently in a relationship with my nonbinary partner of over a year teehee ... i love them a lot a lot.